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Yesterday saw 3 coffees and cars events all happen at the same time!
Thats three communities that came together, three places where people were gathering and connecting, three opportunities to make friends, chat to other enthusiasts, and become part of the growing Takona community.
Thats three times that someone may have not fancied leaving the house that day, but did because of cars. These things make a difference.
These would be possible without our brilliant partners squisita, cars and coffee Cheshire, and avanti grille who hosted the meets.
We've found the Roadstr App has been a hugely impactful app for the meets, giving people access to whats happening, creating communities of people coming to the meets, and providing a place to connect with other enthusiasts.
We've seen so many people get involved on the app, planning drives down, and chatting about what cars to bring.
Thank you to everyone who came down and became part of our community.
The best thing, they'll all be happening again next month!
Photos from a few places, including @ddubs1968, @brianduffyphoto @cars_seen_side_on