Changing Gear - Takona Update

by Lewis Warren on September 08, 2020

It's been far too long since I last put together a blog post, and that's not to say things haven't been happening, but that I haven't felt confident in documenting all the bits that have been taking place until I was happy with the direction of where they were heading.

August has seen the introduction of a new clothing supplier for Takona, and with this change comes a change of gear in terms of both quality and capability. It also saw the GT86 get some fresh new stickering with the Mental Health message now nice and clear.

Takona GT86 with new stickers outside of Notomoto Autohaus

Excitingly this brings the first Long Fit tee, something I personally have been wanting since the inception of Takona. High quality cotton, comfortable, and in 5 colours. The first of the Long fit tee has the Takona logo embroidered on the left chest not too small, but big enough that it's nice and clear, I haven't taken mine off since it arrived.

Takona Long Fit embroidered Tee

Next up is the first Takona baseball cap, and not just any old cap, finished in suede and with the Takona logo front and centre. A high quality finish to launch the new addition to the brand. 

Takona Suede Embroidered Baseball Cap

Most excitingly this also brings in the ability to finally print the Takona designs onto black t-shirts! Something I've been hoping to achieve since the beginning, as well as now being able to print onto black, the t-shirts are now fully cotton, another increase in the quality of the brand while bringing more options to what I can offer. 

Takona Mystery Machine T-Shirt in Black

These three new features are the start of the new style for the Takona site, now comprised of Classic, Premium, and Exclusive. Allowing the original style t-shirts to remain the foundation of the brand as well as introducing two more tiers to what can be offered. In the future this style should allow for limited edition launches and even more improvements on the offerings that I can offer.

As always, Thank you to everyone who's been supporting Takona along the way, unfortunately this year hasn't gone entirely to plan for obvious reasons. But I'm hopeful for what the future holds, and the capabilities having a good foundation will provide for the future. 
